February's birthstone is Amethyst. It is an interesting stone that has a history I'm sure most people don't realize:
Amethyst Gemstone Meaning
Crystalline quartz in shades of purple, lilac or mauve is
called amethyst, a stone traditionally worn to guard against drunkeness
and to instill a sober mind. The word amethyst comes from the Greek
meaning "without drunkenness" and amethyst is believed to protect one
from poison.
Power Stone
It is used as a dream stone and to help insomnia. Put an amethyst under
your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your
forehead to offer relief from a headache.
Protection Stone
Ancient Egyptians used the amethyst guard against guilty and fearful
feelings. It has been worn as protection from self-deception, as well as
a protection against witchcraft. The amethyst has long been used to
open the spiritual and psychic centers, making it one of the power
stones. It is also used as a meditation aid when worn as a necklace.
Whether you are wearing it for protection or power, its beauty is always fashionable!
Amethyst Cubic Zirconia and Gold Earrings